While you enjoy your stay at “Casa do Castelo em Arnóia”, or other house, we present a small portion what you can visit at Amarante.
Reference website for more information: https://amarantetourism.com/
A singular experience

A stroll and a gourmet treat by the river at Amarante
My go-to place for escape is the mountains. In normal times, I’d make a beeline for the granite-strewn plateaux of Serra da Estrela or the wooded slopes of Gerês. But the ups and downs of lockdown have left me craving something a little less wild. I feel a need for repose, not action.
Amarante would be just the ticket. On the banks of the Tâmega River, a gorgeous bow-shaped bridge connecting its two halves, the town – north-east of Porto – is a maze of cobbled streets and quiet cafes that ask nothing of you other than to wander at will. I’d probably visit some of my favourite haunts: the medieval São Gonçalo church, the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso art museum next door, the ruined Solar dos Magalhães manor house.
If my activity itch strikes, a stroll through the city park or a short bike ride along the old train line (now a cycle path) should scratch it.
As a very exceptional treat, I’d cap things off with a visit to Largo do Paço. In the Casa da Calçada hotel, a stately pile right on the river, it’s one of Portugal’s best restaurants outside Lisbon. Pooling my savings from a year of evenings in should see me good for a main course, at least. If my pennies stretch to a glass or two of vinho verde, all the better.
Oliver Balch , Artigo Guardian
Conventual sweets

At magazine Testemunhos, published by Círculo Lago Cerqueira, it can be read that “(…) sweets were sold in Amarante and many other locations for a long time. In these parts, they were sold on festive and special occasions, being present at the June Festivals. There they could be enjoyed at the countless sweet shops’ stalls and at the festival held on January 10th, dedicated to the blessed Saint Gonçalo de Amarante. (…) Read more at article
Aquatic Park at Amarante
The Amarante Water Park was created in 1994, being part of a tourist complex with more than 44,000 m2, Tamega Clube, which in addition to the water park has a set of rural tourism houses , an events house and a wave pool.
The park was the first water park in the North of the country, having always taken the lead not only in size but also in the variety of its attractions. Considered the largest mountain water park in the Iberian Peninsula, making us a reference not only in Portugal, but also in Spain and all those who visit our country.
We want to ensure that our visitors feel happy, so we invest in constant innovation, without ever neglecting the safety of those who already make the park their “home”.

Há Fest!
The Ha Fest! celebrates youth, summer and friendship, from July 29th to August 18th in Amarante, with a varied program, where Music, Comedy, Sports and Dance will liven up Amarante for six days. Ler mais | website institucional
Tâmega “guigas”
And this is the case, in fact, regardless of the waters in which they glide, even though they take on different characteristics, depending on the places where they originate, or for or how they are used. Aveiro has, in its estuary, moliceiros; the Douro has always been populated by rabêlos and the Tâmega has its “guigas”.